

  1. Product School

  2. The Modern Product Manager

  3. Mind The Product

  4. ProductPlan

  5. Shelby Sir

  6. Alex Rechevskiy — Growth PM

  7. Product Gym

  8. Dan Chuparkoff

  9. Slidebean: Startups 101


  11. Book Video Club

  12. MURAL

  13. The PM Guy

  14. Product Manager

  15. Creators Of Products

  16. DesignUp


  1. The Deep Dive [Ideo Shopping Cart Design]

  2. Product Strategy is About Saying No - Des Traynor - Business of Software

  3. Designing with content” Elena Gianni - Interaction20

  4. Amazon's 14 Leadership Principles via Jeff Bezos

  5. Building Badass Users by Kathy Sierra at Mind the Product 2014

  6. Essential Design Principle - Apple WWDC 2017

  7. The UX Infinity Gems 6 Ways to Create Great UX

  8. IDEO Brainstorming Video

  9. Scaling Agile @ Spotify with Henrik Kniberg

  10. How to Crack the Product Manager Interview by Gayle McDowell

  11. How to Build New Products by Google Product Manager

  12. Microsoft PM: Jenny Lee's Take on "How to Get Started on a Side Project" | The PM Guy

  13. Infoshare 2019: Johnny Quach - Growth Culture at AirHelp

  14. Why Product Managers Hate Product Management

  15. 10x Not 10%: Product management by orders of magnitude by Ken Norton

  16. Rapid Prototyping & Product Management by Tom Chi

  17. Marty Cagan

  18. Embrace Your Imposter Syndrome

  19. Why design should include everyone

  20. Design presentation from founder of Sakchi at Pune Design Festival

  21. How to Build a Product Roadmap by Walmart Senior Product Manager

  22. Product Con 2018, 2019 and 2020

  23. Community Building for Product Managers

  24. Kevin Hale - Startup Pricing 101

  25. Isolated Utopia: Excerpts About the Internet From 'Hypernormalization'

  26. CS75 (Summer 2012) Lecture 9 Scalability Harvard Web Development David Malan

  27. Facebook: Cracking the Code

  28. Pinterest CEO: Our goal is to get you offline

  29. Plugged In: The True Toxicity of Social Media Revealed

  30. Sam Vaknin: the True toxicity of social media revealed

  31. The Science of Product [A/B Testing] by David Fleischman and Arthur Chapin

  32. Beyond Conversion

  33. Evaluating Investments