The Deep Dive [Ideo Shopping Cart Design]
Product Strategy is About Saying No - Des Traynor - Business of Software
Designing with content” Elena Gianni - Interaction20
Amazon's 14 Leadership Principles via Jeff Bezos
Building Badass Users by Kathy Sierra at Mind the Product 2014
Essential Design Principle - Apple WWDC 2017
The UX Infinity Gems 6 Ways to Create Great UX
IDEO Brainstorming Video
Scaling Agile @ Spotify with Henrik Kniberg
How to Crack the Product Manager Interview by Gayle McDowell
How to Build New Products by Google Product Manager
Microsoft PM: Jenny Lee's Take on "How to Get Started on a Side Project" | The PM Guy
Infoshare 2019: Johnny Quach - Growth Culture at AirHelp
Why Product Managers Hate Product Management
10x Not 10%: Product management by orders of magnitude by Ken Norton
Rapid Prototyping & Product Management by Tom Chi
Marty Cagan
Embrace Your Imposter Syndrome
Why design should include everyone
Design presentation from founder of Sakchi at Pune Design Festival
How to Build a Product Roadmap by Walmart Senior Product Manager
Product Con 2018, 2019 and 2020
Community Building for Product Managers
Kevin Hale - Startup Pricing 101
Isolated Utopia: Excerpts About the Internet From 'Hypernormalization'
CS75 (Summer 2012) Lecture 9 Scalability Harvard Web Development David Malan
Facebook: Cracking the Code
Pinterest CEO: Our goal is to get you offline
Plugged In: The True Toxicity of Social Media Revealed
Sam Vaknin: the True toxicity of social media revealed
The Science of Product [A/B Testing] by David Fleischman and Arthur Chapin
Beyond Conversion
Evaluating Investments